I am making a function that refreshes data every so often and I am having issues with the request chain that I have. The problem is that I have a for-loop running the asynchronous requests and the for-loop will finish before the requests are done.
setInterval(function(){ // this updates the total hours of all members every 10 seconds
request({ // this gets all of the loyalty program members
url: "",//omitted
method: "GET"
function(listError, listResponse, listBody) {
if(listError == null && listResponse.statusCode == 200) {
var varBody = {};
var listObj = JSON.parse(listBody);
for(var i = 0; i < listObj.result.length; i++) { // parses through all of the members to update their hours
console.log(i);//****PRINT STATEMENT
varBody.index = i;
varBody.memberID = listObj.result[i].program_member.id;
request({ //we do this request to get the steam ID of the program member
url: "",//omitted
method: "GET"
function(fanError, fanResponse, fanBody) {
var fan = JSON.parse(fanBody);
if(fanError == null && fanResponse.statusCode == 200 && fan.result.profiles.length != 0) { // make sure that the profile isn't empty
method: "GET"
function(hourError, hourResponse, hourBody) {
if (hourError == null && hourResponse.statusCode == 200) {
var gameList = JSON.parse(hourBody);
var minutes = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < gameList.response.games.length; j++) { // for loop to calculate the minutes each user has on steam
minutes += gameList.response.games[j].playtime_forever;
var deltaHours = 1;
if(deltaHours != 0) {
var transaction = { // updated member object to be inserted
pointsearned: deltaHours,
pointsused: 0,
loyaltyprogram_id: loyaltyID,
programmember_id: memberID
request({ // POST request to update the member
url: "",//omitted
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(transaction),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
function(updateError, updateRes, updateBody) {
if(updateError == null && updateRes.statusCode == 200) {
console.log("Success");//****PRINT STATEMENT
console.log("Users Updated"); //****PRINT STATEMENT
}, 10000);
If I were to run this code, it would print:
I know what the issue is. It's the fact that the for-loop doesn't wait for the requests to finish. What I don't know is a work-around for this. Does anyone have any ideas?
You want the async library.
For instance,
Can be written like this instead:
There are lots of handy utility functions like this in async that makes working with callbacks much much easier.
For completeness, the way to do async things sequentially "by hand" is to use recursion: