I'm calling some parametrized sql from .net. I'm not sure why but the sql runs quite slow when checking if the parameter is NULL compared to when its not included:
So this:
exec sp_executesql N'
FROM [tblAddress] (nolock)
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ([id] = @id OR @id IS NULL)
',N'@id int',
Runs quicker then this:
exec sp_executesql N'
FROM [tblAddress] (nolock)
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ([id] = @id)
',N'@id int',
Running SQL profiler the duration of the top query over 1 million rows is 175 and its reads are 3720 but the second query's duration is 1 and only 3 reads.
Why such a difference and how could it be improved?
There is no way you can make it to SEEK if @id is NULL, so it will always SCAN, and will always be slow (depending on the amount of rows in [tblAddress]. To fight this, you might want to limit the amount of results, returned by your query by specifying the TOP(N) clause.
So what I would do is:
Also, I wouldn't use the NOLOCK hint if it is not strictly reuired.
An OR clause isn't SARGABLE so the plan used has a scan, not a seek like the 2nd one
Try this: 2 seeks
Note: you don't need the NOLOCK hint. Or