Trying to read from kafka source. I want to extract timestamp from message received to do structured spark streaming. kafka(version spark streaming(version 2.0.1)
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Field "timestamp" is what you are looking for. Type - java.sql.Timestamp. Make sure that you are connecting to 0.10 Kafka server. There is no timestamp in earlier versions. Full list of fields described here -
I'd suggest couple things:
Suppose you create a stream via latest Kafka Streaming Api (0.10 Kafka)
E.g. you use dependency:
"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming-kafka-0-10" % 2.0.1
Than you create a stream, according to the docs above:
Your stream will be an DStream of ConsumerRecord[String,Array[Byte]] and you can get a timestamp and key-value as simple as:
Hope that helps.