I have very unusual problem. I've created an HTML form with all types of inputs.
Then I put it on a server and what happened took me to the ground literally. All my checkboxes turned into textboxes. The code I put on my website has checkboxes in it, but when I use firebug it says it has textboxes there.
-HTML code is valid:
<input name="ksh" type="checkbox" id="ksh" />
I tried on a different server, it works fine there, so I assume it's a server-based problem. But I have no idea what can cause that. Any ideas?
I'd be thankful for any tips.
Thanks in advance
Because I forgot and this may be an important factor I also paste doctype declaration:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
http://larte2002.vizz.pl/gosc/bl/cennik/ <- client's server, which shows textboxes <- my server, checkboxes
Content on servers is exactly the same on both!
According to this, for checkboxes the format is
input type="checkbox" name="boxname" value="boxval">Box text
, so it may be that you have the name before type instead of after. Maybe try switching that.