I need to run a php script as daemon process (wait for instructions and do stuff). cron job will not do it for me because actions need to be taken as soon as instruction arrives. I know PHP is not really the best option for daemon processes due to memory management issues, but due to various reasons I have to use PHP in this case. I came across a tool by libslack called Daemon (http://libslack.org/daemon) it seems to help me manage daemon processes, but there hasn't been any updates in the last 5 years, so I wonder if you know some other alternatives suitable for my case. Any information will be really appreciated.
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Another option is to use Upstart. It was originally developed for Ubuntu (and comes packaged with it by default), but is intended to be suitable for all Linux distros.
This approach is similar to Supervisord and daemontools, in that it automatically starts the daemon on system boot and respawns on script completion.
How to set it up:
Create a new script file at
. Here is an example:Starting & stopping your daemon:
Check if your daemon is running:
A big thanks to Kevin van Zonneveld, where I learned this technique from.
I recently had a need for a cross-platform solution (Windows, Mac, and Linux) to the problem of running PHP scripts as daemons. I solved the problem by writing my own C++ based solution and making binaries:
Full support for Linux (via sysvinit), but also Windows NT services and Mac OSX launchd.
If you just need Linux, then a couple of the other solutions presented here work well enough and, depending on the flavor. There is also Upstart and systemd these days, which have fallbacks to sysvinit scripts. But half of the point of using PHP is that it is cross-platform in nature, so code written in the language has a pretty good chance of working everywhere as-is. Deficiencies start showing up when certain external native OS-level aspects enter the picture such as system services, but you'll get that problem with most scripting languages.
Attempting to catch signals as someone here suggested in PHP userland is not a good idea. Read the documentation on
carefully and you will quickly learn that PHP handles signals using some rather unpleasant methods (specifically, 'ticks') that chew up a bunch of cycles for something rarely seen by processes (i.e. signals). Signal handling in PHP is also only barely available on POSIX platforms and support differs based on the version of PHP. It initially sounds like a decent solution but it falls pretty short of being truly useful.PHP has also been getting better about memory leak issues as time progresses. You still have to be careful (the DOM XML parser tends to leak still) but I rarely see runaway processes these days and the PHP bug tracker is pretty quiet by comparison to the days of yore.