Using Facebook Javascript SDK+XFBML, I'm implementing the fb 'comments widget', as explained here.
then, using the fbml line:
<fb:comments href="" num_posts="2" width="400"></fb:comments>
creates an iframe with the comments widget.
The height of the iframe is of-course according to the length of the comments;
I need to make changes to my page according to the height of the comments widget.
I can tap into when the widget has finished loading, by using
(I found it more accurate than using 'ready' or 'load'), but I cannot get the height of the comments iframe due to cross-domain restrictions.
Does anybody know of some sort of a solution for this?
Workaround number 1: (from
add a style to your page:
.fb_ltr { height: 400px !important; overflow-y: scroll !important; }
'fb_ltr' is the class used by the iframe. This will make sure it's always 400px high, and add scroll-bar to scroll content.
Of-course, the scroll-bar is ugly, so, any other ideas?
I use the same idea as yours, modified the style, but it will use min-heigh Please try this,
First of all, thanks for you solution, Yuval A. Second, I found a clean and simple style for scroll bar here: CSS scrollbar style cross browser
In short is this code: