I am trying to implement ActionBarSherlock in my application and I need to show the menu at the top of my application, integrated in action bar. The problem is that it's not working properly. I am using it like this :
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
return true;
So the thing which I want to achieve is to show at the right side of my action bar a refresh icon and a menu icon, which should open the default menus when clicked. I checked ForcedOverflowItem
example in ActionbarSherlock Demos, but it's not working as I want. I need to look the same as in Android 2.+ and in Android 4.+.
Any advices / helps / suggestions how can I get this to work?
Please read the dorjeduck's answer. If you want have same experience on all devices you have to add custom menu with his submenus. Here this the code sumple:
From what I read in ActionbarSherlock's documentation you cannot force the menu icon to appear in Android 4.+. When the device has a menu button the menu icon does not appear. I guess the guy who wrote ActionbarSherlock knows the subject matter well ;-)
You can do an xml file line this. I saw this in some other post but I cannot track it rigth now.
Then just inflate it like a normal menu.