I have a Scala project and I would like to export it as a jar.
*1. At first I tried creating a Java class for the project as an entry point
public class JMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Java main calling Scala main");
SMain.main(new String[] {""}); //SMain.main is the actual *main*
and this worked fine and dandy when launched from Eclipse, but when I export it as jar it'll give me 18 exceptions or so. I do now know how to replicate then "environment" in which Eclipse manages to launch this and I'm prety sure it relies on the fact that Scala is on my system already - I need a self contained jar with everything packed in there.
*2. My second try consisted of trying what lach suggested here How to deploy a Scala project from Eclipse? namely:
public class JMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Java Main");
List<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>();
argList.add("fully.qualified.ClassName"); //???
for (String s : args) argList.add(s);
scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner.main(argList.toArray(new String[0]));
This time it won't even run from Eclipse, although it gives only 6 or so exceptions starting with the famous NoClassDefFoundError. I have a feeling I'm not getting fully.qualified.ClassName right. *3. If the main Scala class is called "Dis.scala" and is located in package "pack" shouldn't this fully.qualified.ClassName be "pack.Dis"?
I'm using Jre 1.6 and Scala 2.9.2 EDIT: I have included all external imported jars, even scala-library.jar - everything is nice and packed in the jar
P.S. I am not familiar with Ant or Maven or Sbt. I just want my Scala project jared - if possible without getting into hairy things.
Here is what worked for me: 1. Create scala project 2. Create Wrapper java project 3. Add the scala-library.jar to you java project build path.
So you only need the 3rd step in addition since the rest looks similar to what I did. Then you can happily use: java - jar file.jar
EDIT: How to create a JAR File which contains Scala/Code which can be consumed by another Java Project, using Scala - Eclipse IDE.
Finally you get a complete packaged JAR which you can use like this:
java - jar wrapped.jar
For me, it was relatively straightforward.
for submitting the spark (i was writing something for spark), i just had to mention --class option for specifying the main class for the jar.
hope to help.