I'm trying to add bump mapping functionality to my application but I'm getting very faceted models:
The reason it is happening is because I'm calculating tangent, binormal and normal on per face basis and completely ignoring the normals I'm getting from the model file.
The calculation currently uses two edges of the triangle and texture space vectors to get tangent and binormal, which are then used to calculate normal by cross product. It is all done on the CPU as soon as the model loads and the values are then stored as a part of model's geometry.
vector1 = vertex2.coords - vertex1.coords;
vector2 = vertex3.coords - vertex1.coords;
tuVector = vertex2.texcoords - vertex1.texcoords;
tvVector = vertex3.texcoords - vertex1.texcoords;
float den = 1.0f / (tuVector.x * tvVector.y - tuVector.y * tvVector.x);
tangent.x = (tvVector.y * vector1.x - tvVector.x * vector2.x) * den;
tangent.y = (tvVector.y * vector1.y - tvVector.x * vector2.y) * den;
tangent.z = (tvVector.y * vector1.z - tvVector.x * vector2.z) * den;
binormal.x = (tuVector.x * vector2.x - tuVector.y * vector1.x) * den;
binormal.y = (tuVector.x * vector2.y - tuVector.y * vector1.y) * den;
binormal.z = (tuVector.x * vector2.z - tuVector.y * vector1.z) * den;
D3DXVec3Normalize(&tangent, &tangent);
D3DXVec3Normalize(&binormal, &binormal);
D3DXVec3Cross(&normal, &tangent, &binormal);
D3DXVec3Normalize(&normal, &normal);
Is there a way to either calculate these values on per vertex basis, perhaps using the normal supplied with the model or to smooth them out somehow so the model doesn't appear faceted?
For smooth surfaces (no edges) I do it like this:
create space for per vertex
per vertex init
compute per face normal
normal must be normalized length=1.0 !!! add this
to all vertexes used in face and incrementcnt
to all vertexes used in faceper vertex normalize
be aware of
for unused vertexes (division by zero)per vertex
contains the Normal you wantnow compute
vectors for TBN matrix (per vertex) as you do nowoutput image is smooth
My earth preview (with atmospheric scattering, bump mapping and more...) is here
hope it helps