Including several PHP versions in Apache, switchab

2019-05-23 05:23发布

A shared web host I'm using is offering several versions of PHP on the same server: 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4. They make it possible to switch between these versions by naming the file extensions .php54 and .php53 respectively, or via an .htaccess directive:

AddHandler php5.4-script .php

I have not been able to completely figure out how their Apache server is configured to support this though. Everything I found seemed to say that only one mod_php can be compiled into Apache at a time. Would this suggest that php5.4-script is some sort of custom wrapper module? Or are there obscure ways in which different PHP modules can be compiled under different handler names?

2楼-- · 2019-05-23 06:21

According to the resource I've found after researching on this topic, it is as you already thought a (Fast) CGI wrapper which allows you to change the PHP version used via e.g. .htaccess .

How to achieve this is explained thoroughly here: .

In case the site is not reachable, here I'm going to list the steps:

  1. Install required dev packages
  2. Compile and install
  3. Create a fastcgi wrapper script
    • Build and install e.g. php-5.3 with fpm enabled
    • Configure php-fpm
    • Start fpm
    • Install and setup mod_fastcgi, mod_fcgid
  4. Update the Apache config file
  5. Restart Apache
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