I have a mixed objective-c and Swift project and I try to write Unit tests for it. My project name is: Alphaproject my product module name is: Alphaproject I set to YES Defines Module in my main Target (Alphaproject) and set to YES EnableTestability for Debug only in this same Target.
In my Test class, I try to import my product module name:
@testable import Alphaproject
Additional notes:
- all my projects files are only part of the main target
- my test files are only part of the test target
- My scheme for Test is set to Build Debug configuration.
- I also tried to clean the Build folder (ALT + Clean)
- The project doesn't have any error when compiling or trying to run tests except this "No such module Alphaproject"
Any other ideas?
In my case, the initial Xcode project was Objective-C, and I added testing targets that were Swift-based, and the
import <Product Moodule Name>
failed. I ensured thatDefines Module
was set toYES
in Build Settings, but still got the error as indicated. The fix for me was to add a Bridging Header into the Objective-C main project.OK! The problem was coming from the fact that I had arm64 in my Debug configuration for Valid Architectures. As the main target also doesn't contain arm64 in Valid Architectures, It couldn't apparently find the module... I think apple can make better work on displaying a proper error here. (Apple, if you read me, please)