I want to enable the Google Cloud Build Github App in several Github projects.
- So on the Google Cloud Build Github App, I click on grant this app access to your GitHub account
- Then on the following screen, I install Google Cloud Build on All repositories.
Then I'm redirecting to a couple of Google Authorization screens.
Then I endup on the Google following screen, where I select an existing Google project-id then accept the consent screen.
The issue is: a git push on any of my Github repo triggers a build in this google project-id (and not on his related Google project-id)
Of course I want
- a push in Github project#1 to trigger a build in Google Cloud Build project#1
- a push in Github project#2 to trigger a build in Google Cloud Build project#2
I believe that's because the app works on the Account level and not on the project level.
There is now an "Add another project" button that allows you to connect repositories directly to different projects when setting up the Google Cloud Build connection.
See this screenshot: