I'm trying to create SEO friendly urls where all spaces are replaced with a hyphen.
This is how I'm 'slugifying' the URL by using slugify in Django templates
<a href="{% url 'dj' dj_name=dj.name|slugify %}">
Here is my urls.py
url(r'^top100/(?P<dj_name>[a-zA-Z0-9 \'&-]+)/$', views.dj, name='dj')
This is my view
def dj(request, dj_name):
dj = DJ.objects.get(name=dj_name)
dj_song_list = Song.objects.filter(artist=dj, duplicate=False).order_by('-votes', '-release_date')
return render(request, 'hunt/dj.html', {'dj_song_list': dj_song_list, 'dj':dj}
Now the %20
in the urls has changed to a -
but I get the error DJ matching query does not exist.
Also this ignores &
in the DJ name. For example it changes the url for the DJ Above & Beyond
to www.example.com/top100/above-beyond
why don't you use SlugField() in your models ? Then you can queryset on your slug. I guess the error comes from the queryset on name instead of a slug.
You're trying to request an object with its slug instead of its name in database. The slug is a string, compute from the original name, which you can use in URL (because it's SEO-friendly). But you can't request objects with it if you don't have save this slug anywhere in your database. Indeed, it's impossible to retrieve the original name from the slug.
You need to use a
and get the object wanted according to this new field. Short example:In practice, you can use the templatetags
if you want to use clean URL like stackoverflow: they're using the ID of the question to retrieve the content from the URL, but there's also the title, which you can change, it'll redirect you anyway.