I want to get list timeline by using Twitter gem.
How can I call GET lists/statuses REST API from Twitter gem? https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/lists/statuses
I've searched through documentation but couldn't found proper method. http://rdoc.info/gems/twitter
Problem solved
I overlooked the method list_timeline
. It serves as lists/statuses.
To get the timeline from a list using Twitter gem :
I suggest you start by reading the gem documentation. You'll also have to register your application with twitter to get your oauth parameters.
You can use 'twitter' gem.
Create an app on Twitter. You need to give to it read & write access just for sake of your own experiments.
Use this sample code (with your credentials you've got from Twitter). Please note that I'm using some public list URI (list = URI.parse('https://twitter.com/sferik/presidents') p client.list_timeline(list))
for more info please visit Twitter gem docs.