I want to integrate Samsung Gear device for steps in my application, also jawbone Steps and misfit Steps. I've looked at several things, like the Samsung Gear Site, but found nothing that works for me.
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I have not done this myself, but it seems that Samsung uses it's own OS: Tizen. And that works on / with HTML 5 / CSS / Javascript.
This seems to be the way to get it working. And there is this one.
For connection and data transfer between mobile android device and Samsung Gear device , Accessory Protocol is defined. So, the option available here is using Accessory SDK for Android mobile and Tizen wearable.
Tizen provides HumanActivityMonitor for 3rd party developers to retrieve Pedometer step count data.
I have developed a sample app in Tizen platform for reading pedometer step count data in gear and send the data to Consumer Android mobile app while the mobile and wearable is connected through Samsung Gear Manager. Its just a customization over the sample apps available on the sites reffered.
I am sharing the code of the tizen web app along with the installer(.wgt) file. If you are not interested in tizen development right now, you may install the app directly to the Samsung gear using the wgt file.
I am also sharing the code of the android app along with the installer(.apk) file. You may try a sample transmission between the devices and do your code on android platform as necessary. I have tested the apps on my devices and they are working good, though some data inconsistency occurs.
Zip file link:
Android consumer app (apk)
Android consumer app (code)
Tizen provider app (wgt)
Tizen provider app (code)
Human activity monitor API
Human Activity Monitor Guide
Accessory SDK
Please read the Accessory guide and HumanActivityMonitor guide for details implementation, you would find simple explanation there.