I have the following challenge in my hands. I need to redesign a desktop order entry web application to mobile using html5 and js. I am trying to find a proper way to do order entry, since mobile devices are quite different from desktop. I need to be able to add auto-complete and images into the data grid, that are optional.
Is there such a datagrid component available? Similar to http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/basic_init/multi_col_sort.html but more suitable for mobile devices.
Any tips, urls, or advice is highly appreciated.
If you are just looking for a grid, then you can try both of these:
1140 css grid 960 css grid
Both help structure content in a responsive way.
I'm using 1140 quite a lot, because it goes well with Jquery Mobile. It uses classes container, row, span1-12, so you can structure your content in rows up to 12 cells. For example:
Which on tablet gives you:
And on smartphone
You can mix this very well with JQM collapsibles, or collapsible sets, like so:
Regarding images on tablet and mobile, have a look at adaptive images.
Here is a link to my tableview plugin setup. This is an adaptive table which is enhanced by Jquery Mobile. Click top right at the filter to open a dialog to hide/show rows. Shrink the screen, the table should adapt. If this is what you are looking for, I could try to fiddle out a page I did from my project using tableview with datatables. However it only supports the stuff I need, so it's far from complete (especially the ui).
*========================= EDIT ========================= *
Ok. Here is a quick rundown how to setup datatables with Jquery Mobile.
1) You will need my modified datatables version. This version replaces all JqueryUI with JqueryMobile UI in datatables. So far I have only done the basic stuff I need, feel free to chip in :-)
Here is a link to the file: JQM datatables - search for "XXX" to see what I changed
2) I'm using the regular datatables function call like so:
This is from an example I'm using, so all of the used functions should be ok. Here are the fnHeaderCallback and fnInitComplete function, which create sortable headers, where you specificy and JQM the whole table:
This one is easy. If you label a table column as sortable, the function will create a JQM button out of it.
The next one, not so easy ...
This function creates the responsive table layout. I did this using Filaments RWD-Pattern, plus took some stuff from JQM.
If you want the responsive select to be a JQM custom select you need to add it's variable and an empty select at the beginning of your js file, before anything happens, like so:
This way the select will be created BEFORE the JQM pagecreate event runs, so you could add data-native-menu="false" if you wanted to have a custom select to toggle table columns.
Finally... the table like so:
That's all... Once you have the first one working, the remaining ones are much easier :-)
Let me know if you need help in setting this up.
This may help: http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/content/content-grids.html
You should be able to dynamically add whatever you want to the grid cells.
I would sugest jQuery mobile, or Twitter Bootstrap.
Bootstrap is really good at re-sizing for every device.
I think you are looking for a table/grid component (that allows pagination, sorting, filtering and in-place editing), not for a CSS grid.
In that case, there are a few options:
For a feature comparison of table components, see http://reactive-table.meteor.com