With reference to this question : Trigger jenkins build on stash pull request
I tried applying Christian Galsterer's solution
You may have a look at https://christiangalsterer.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/continuous-integration-for-pull-requests-with-jenkins-and-stash/ where I describe the detailed steps how to setup Jenkins and Stash to trigger automatically the correct Jenkins build(s) when a pull request is created or updated.
It uses the Jenkins Git Plugin and the Pull Request Notifier for Stash add-on and selects the correct build using the notification feature of the Jenkins Git Plugin.
Everything works fine other than getting values of
It says "PR #null" in build description under jenkins and same in stash
"pullstash #19 A moment ago
<a href='null'>PR #null</a>"
Can someone please suggest what is missed here?
As per Christian's comment on that blog post:
You have to declare the string parameters
in your Jenkins job.