I'm a novice R and twitteR package user but I wasn't able to find a strong recommendation on how to accomplish the following.
I'd like to mine a small number of twitter accounts to identify their output for keyword usage. (i.e. I don't know what the keywords are yet)
- I have a small number of tweeter accounts (<6) I want to mine with a max of 7000 tweets if you aggregate the various account statuses
- Those accounts are not generating new tweets at a fast rate (a few a day)
- The accounts all have less than 3200 tweets according to the profile data returned by
When I use the twitteR function userTimeline("accountname", n=3200)
I get between 40 and 600 observations returned i.e no where near the 3200. I know there are API limits but if it was an issue of limits I would expect to get the same number of observations back or get the notice that I need to wait 15 mins
How do I get all the text I need while still playing nice ?
By using a combination of cran and github packages it was possible to get all the tweets for a user
The packages used were streamR available in cran and https://github.com/SMAPPNYU/smappR/ to help with the analysis and getting the tweets.
The basic steps are
This can be accomplished with
package, which is still supported. First you need to be approved as a developer and create an app. (As a note, twitter has now changed their policies, and approval can take a while. It took me almost a week.)After that, just use
to get all of the tweets from a timeline, up to 3200.