I am currently implementing a graph using d3 and a json object for data. A working example of such a graph can be found here: http://bl.ocks.org/950642. If you know d3 you can certainly directly jump to the My Problem part.
Quick overview of code
So, basically in my template I have the minimum code necessary:
<div id="main" class="lift:surround?with=default;at=content">
<div class="lift:GraphVisual.showGraph"></div>
Then in my snippet (GraphVisual.scala
) I have the following:
def showGraph = {
<h3>Bachelor 5/6 - Communication Systems</h3> ++
<div id="graph-container" width="500px" height="100px">
<script type="text/javascript" src="static/scripts/graph_script.js></script>
In the javascript file defining the graph (graph_script
) I mainly have the following
var vis = d3.select("#graph-container").append("svg:svg")
d3.json("static/scripts/jsonData.json", function(json) {
//Do stuff
My Problem
If I store my json data in a file, as shown above, everything works fine. Now I would like to generate my json object with lift. So I would like to have a function returning the json object representation of the graph in Lift and to use it in the script (which should be static).
What I tried
Suppose I have the following value defining my graph:
val graph = JObject(JField("nodes", JArray(List(...))), JField("links", JArray(List)))
I tried to define this graph as a variable in a script above the d3 script:
<script>{JsCrVar("myGraph", graph).toJsCmd}</script>
With this method I have the variable myGraph
which is well defined but I don't know how to access it in graph_script.js
The solution of Lukasz, using the REST API works totally fine. During my research I also found out that my problem was just a javascript issue: I didn't need to use
.So I just had to remove the function
and put all that was inside outside of it. Then just callmygraph.nodes
for example instead ofjson.nodes
.You could move your json data retrieval to REST API.
Then you can ajax pull it inside page using /graph url.