Basically, I created an Activity inside a dialog, everthing is seems working perfectly but the problem is the title bar of a dialog is still there. Is there anyway to hide it?
And also this is the tutorial, here is the link. It is exactly what I am trying to accomplish except witout title bar.
Note: THIS IS NOT JUST AN ALERTDIALOG OR DIALOG, THIS IS AN ACTIVITY INSIDE A DIALOG which only became looks like a dialog by pasting the code below.
<activity android:label="My Dialog (activity)" android:name=".MyActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog"></activity>
If ur using appcompat support v4, v7 libraries then try using
and also beforesuper.Oncreate();
You can remove the title bar programatically.
Add this line to your Activity onCreate() method.
Create a custom style that extend Theme.Dialog:
Then reference this theme in your activity android:theme attribute. :)
I came up with such, easiest solution: In Manifest android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.Dialog.NoActionBar"> Seems to work.
Try this :