Binding a Generic List to a Dropdownlistfor in MVC

2019-05-20 19:09发布

I have a generic list method that returns a CategoryID and CategoryName. I have spent enough time researching and cant seem to put it together. I very new at MVC.

Here is my DropdownList Method in a repository. I get back the data... So far so good.

public List<DropdownList> GetDDl()

return catDDL; 

Here is my CONTROLLER CODE(attempt at it)

   IEnumerable<SelectListItem> liCat =
 userRepository.Getddl().Select(c => new SelectListItem
   Value = c.DropDownID.ToString(),
   Text = c.DropDownText
ViewBag.catItems = new SelecList(liCat,"Value","Text");

Here is my VIEW

@Html.Dropdownlist("catItems","Select Category)

2楼-- · 2019-05-20 19:37

Should just be:


IEnumerable<SelectListItem> liCat = userRepository.Getddl().Select(c => new SelectListItem
   Value = c.DropDownID.ToString(),
   Text = c.DropDownText

ViewBag.catItems = liCat


@Html.Dropdownlist("catItems", ViewBag.catItems)
3楼-- · 2019-05-20 19:40

Try to avoid dynamic stuff like ViewBag and ViewData. Use strongly typed views.

ViewModel is just a POCO class which we will use to transfer data between your view and the action method. It will be specific to the view.

ex : if you want to create a view which creates a product. So create a viewmodel like this

public class Product
  public string Name { set;get;}
  public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Categories{ get; set; }
  public string SelectedCategoryId { get; set; }
  //Other Properties as needed


now in your GET action method, you create an object of this view model and initialize the values and send to the view.

public ActionResult Create()
  var vm=new Product();
               Select(c => new SelectListItem
                                    Value = c.DropDownID.ToString(),
                                    Text = c.DropDownText
  return View(vm);

Now make your view strongly typed to our Product class and use the Html.DropDownListFor helper method.

@model PersonsProduct 
@using (Html.BeginForm())
  @Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedCategoryId, 
                       new SelectList(Model.Categories,"Value","Text"), "Select")
  <input type="submit" value="save" />

Now in your HttpPost , you can get the form values like this

public ActionResult Create(Product model)
     //check model.SelectedCategoryId
     //save and redirect
  //to do :reload the dropdown again.
  return view(model);
4楼-- · 2019-05-20 19:41

I created a generic function for bind dropdownlist e.g

public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> CreateFilterOptionsWithoutDefaule<T>(IList<T> entities, Func<T, object> getValue, Func<T, object> getText)
        return entities
                .Select(x => new SelectListItem
                    Value = getValue(x).ToString(),
                    Text = getText(x).ToString()
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