I currently have an iPhone app that lets the users take video, upload it to the server, and allows others to view their video from the app. Never had an issue with the video's orientation until I went to make a web site to view the different videos (along with other content).
I consume the video's from the web service, and load them with ajax using videojs, but every single one of them is rotated left 90 degrees. From what I've read, it sounds like orientation information is able to be read in iOS, but not on a website. Is there any way to save a new orientation for the video on the iphone, before sending to the server?
It appears that this issue occurs because videojs has trouble reading the orientation. information here: http://help.videojs.com/discussions/problems/1508-video-orientation-for-iphone-wrong
Based on the implied solution you should be checking to make sure when you save the video you are using AVFramework to set the orientation value. Information on how to do that is available in this previous stack overflow post: How do I set the orientation for a frame-by-frame-generated video using AVFoundation?