I have a procedure that os.walk
s a directory and its subdirectories to filter pdf files, separating out their names and corresponding pathnames. The issue I am having is that it will scan the topmost directory and print the appropriate filename e.g. G:/Books/Title.Pdf
but the second it scans a subfolder e.g G:/Books/Sub Folder/Title.pdf
it will print the following
G:/Books/Sub Folder\\Title.Pdf
(which is obviously an invalid path name). It will also add \\ to any subfolders within subfolders.
Below is the procedure:
def dicitonary_list():
indexlist=[] #holds all files in the given directory including subfolders
pdf_filenames=[] #holds list of all pdf filenames in indexlist
pdf_dir_list = [] #holds path names to indvidual pdf files
for root, dirs,files in os.walk('G:/Books/'):
for name in files:
indexlist.append(root + name)
if ".pdf" in name[-5:]:
for files in indexlist:
if ".pdf" in files[-5:]:
dictionary=dict(zip(pdf_filenames, pdf_dir_list)) #maps the pdf names to their directory address
I know it's something simple that I am missing but for love nor money can i see what it is. A fresh pair of eyes would help greatly!
Forward slashes and backward slashes are both perfectly valid path separators in Python on Windows.