I am trying to show the effect equinoxes have on my data, a series of remotely-tracked birds for a whole year. In order to do that I want to plot latitude for each day of the year and have the equinox effect as a color grading in the background.
My data would look something like this:
SO <- data.frame(date = seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by = "day", length.out = 365),
latitude = cumsum(rnorm(365)),
eqx.effect = c(rep(0,60),seq(1,20,1), seq(20,1,-1),rep(0,143),seq(1,20,1), seq(20,1,-1),rep(0,82)),
location = c(rep(1,100),rep(2,135), rep(3,130)))
So far I have managed to plot latitude for the whole year for several birds with geom_line and color different parts of the lines with different colors according to the location at which they are at. In order to change the background I have read of the use of geom_rect in Using ggplot2 in R, how do I make the background of a graph different colours in different regions? but in that question the man only needs a bunch of rectangles and I would need 365.
Does anyone know any other way of doing this? If I could make the default background more transparent on the dates closer to the equinoxes it would also be useful.
You didn't supply an image of how ideally this would look, so how about something like: