I have added the two files Reachability.h/m. The problem I am having is in the ReachabilityCallback method
NSCAssert([(NSObject*) info isKindOfClass: [Reachability class]], @"info was wrong class in ReachabilityCallback");
The error message is: Cast of C pointer type 'void *' to Objective-C pointer type 'NSObject * requires a bridged cast
NSAutoreleasePool* myPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Error: 'NSAutoreleasePool' is unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode
SCNetworkReachabilityContext context = {0, self, NULL, NULL, NULL};
Error: Implicit conversion of an Object-C pointer to 'void *' is disallowed with ARC
There is a bunch of ARC forbids explicit message send of 'release'/'autorelease'.
Is there a version of the code that will work for ARC?
Try tonymillion's Reachability classes, they're ARC and GCD compatible.
Try this