On all my inputs on my site, the IE 10 Clear button is getting in the way when I try to have a Kendo Numeric Textbox in the input.
I have looked it up here, and every single question says this is what I should do in my CSS:
display: none;
However, the Clear button is still there in IE 10 after I do this. I have tried adding !important
to the display: none;
, and it still shows up.
I noticed in my CSS that is being uploaded to the site that the ::-ms-clear
that I am putting into the CSS file is not showing up at all, and I know that it is there (I put it at the end of the file).
Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong? There seems to be no help if this method doesn't work...
EDIT: Sorry, I should have mentioned this before. I'm using Wordpress, so I have no idea where the code for X-UA-Compatible would go to make this work.
You must have selected browser/document mode other then IE10/Standard in F12 tools