I am trying to copy text (Constant Range of Cells) and charts in an excel sheet to an outlook body, however so far I succeeded in copying only charts but not text. I want to know the best way to copy both text (in the selected range) and charts from excel sheet to outlook message. Below is the code I am using now. This code does paste the text but charts are overlapped on the text (when charts are pasted in the email body). I would like to how can I format the outlook email and paste the text and charts without overlapping.
Sub email_Charts(sFileName, Subject1)
Dim r As Integer
Dim o As Outlook.Application
Dim m As Outlook.MailItem
Dim wEditor As Word.Document
Set o = New Outlook.Application
Dim olTo As String
olTo = Worksheets("Main").Cells(3, 3).Value
msg = "<HTML><font face = Calibri =2>"
msg = msg & "Hi All, <br><br>"
msg = msg & "Please find Daily Status Below "
msg = msg & "<b><font color=#0033CC>"
msg = msg & Sheets(1).Range("B2:B4")
Set m = o.CreateItem(olMailItem)
m.To = olTo
m.Subject = Subject1
m.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
m.HTMLBody = msg
Set wEditor = o.ActiveInspector.wordeditor
m.Body = msg
Workbooks(sFileName).Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
Perhaps something like this:
and within your existing code: