I am using Closure Compiler with --warning_level=VERBOSE
and --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
It outputs:
{SyntheticVarsDeclar}: WARNING - Redeclared variable: i
0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
Is there a way to find out more information about where this i
variable is declared?
I have run through every i
variable in all the files and there is none that are redeclared.
Here is a list of flags being used:
--compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
//Update 2
I am using the latest Closure Compiler from: http://dl.google.com/closure-compiler/compiler-latest.zip
When I add a "var i" at the top of the first file, the compiler comes back with:
firstFile.js:1: WARNING - Redeclared variable: i
var i;
and there is no previous {SyntheticVarsDeclar} warning.
Verify that the --third_party flag is not being used. Nothing should be added as {SyntheticVarsDeclar} unless the declaration is missing. The --third_party flag cause missing global variables declarations to be "declared" in "{SyntheticVarsDeclar}".