I'm looking for something like flex/bison that works with C# code. I want to be able to provide some language descriptors and a parser should be generated.
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ANTLR is a very common parser generator with output bindings for many languages (including c#), but it is LLR which might make it a little more cumbersome than flex/bison if that's what you are accustomed to.
I've had my best luck with ANTLR, it can generate C# code as well. Good Language design support as well with ANTLR Works, an IDE for designing and testing your grammars, and quite a few tutorials to explain the whole thing.
Other option is the F# powerpack that has fsLex and fsYacc. Only brielfy poked at it, seems powerful but very little documentation.
For C# that's the two first thing to look at i think.
There are several options. I've found Irony to be good. It's powerful, and it has a novel syntax utilizing C# operator overloads to convey the syntax of your grammars directly in C#.
Irony - .NET Language Implementation Kit.