I have a loop that does some work and prints a lot of info to stdout. Over and over again (it's a loop...) What I'd like to do is to detect when / if user presses a key (it can be an arrow, enter, or a letter), and do some work when that happens.
This should have been a very simple subsubtask, but I've spent last four hours trying different approaches and getting pretty much nowhere.
This needs only work in Linux.
Best I could get is something like this below. But that works partially, catching the keys only if within the 0.05
import sys,tty,termios
class _Getch:
def __call__(self, n=1):
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
ch = sys.stdin.read(n)
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
return ch
def getch(timeout=0.2):
inkey = _Getch()
k = ''
start_sec = time()
while(time() - start_sec < timeout):
if k == '':
k = timeout_call(inkey, timeout_duration=timeout - (time() - start_sec))
if k == u'\x1b':
k += inkey(2)
if k == u'\x1b[A':
return "up"
if k == u'\x1b[B':
return "down"
if k == u'\x1b[C':
return "right"
if k == u'\x1b[D':
return "left"
elif k == "q":
return 'q'
elif k == "\n":
return 'enter'
return None
while True:
key = getch(0.05)
if key:
This has been asked before. Someone posted a nice, short, refactored solution
Reposted here
Here is a solution I came up with. Not perfect, because it relies on timeouts and sometimes can catch only half of escape sequences, if the key is pressed mili(micro? nano?)seconds before timeout expires. But it's the least bad solution I could come up with. Disappointing...