How do I link live currency exchange rates to my iPhone app? First, anyone know any sites where I can get the exchange rates? And second, how do I link that to my app? I want to do what this app does.
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Average monthly exchange rates of GBP to other currencies you can find as xml in link -
then you can load this xml into lists and use in your code -
I realise this question has been answered already, but for anyone else looking for a solution to this same issue, there's also a great JSON solution available at as well.
Here is a blog post about this, however to recap, if you use TBXML you can do it with the methods below.
They do the following:
After you've called the loadExchangeRates() method you can obtain a specific exchange rate by doing:
Here are the methods:
My first port of call would be to find a webservice that provides currency rates with a public API. Then you'd need to integrate some functionality into your app that communicates with the API in order to get the information you need.
There might be some services that offer the exchange rates in an RSS feed or similar feed. You could then parse the XML downloaded from that feed into some objects that you can use in your app.