I am following the instructions for installing TensorFlow in a virtual environment on Mac, however I am not sure what this instruction means:
(tensor flow)$ pip install --upgrade <$url_to_binary.whl>
Specifically the url_to_binary.whl
Installation has progressed fine so far. I tried using that exact command but it printed an error:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
I assume that everything between the <> is a placeholder and refers to some location, not sure what though.
In my opinion,you may try like this:
(tensorflow)$ pip install --upgrade
It's now installed and up and running.
should be replaced byhttps://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/tensorflow-0.5.0-py2-none-any.whl
I assume that was the file they meant.
They meant the binary they told about previously in the binary installation section for MacOS
So the path to binary is