Our websites should allow to show different contents related to the given url .. something like a multisite in wordpress where we have one installation and serve the content according to the url.
as it is necessary to have the routes in the correct language I want to use a "dynamic route" approach to serve the right content. My problem is now that I dont find a way how to serve the proper routes in routes.rb if they are dynamic.
How can I "access" or "pass" the request object into any method inside the routes.rb file
f.e. like this
Frontend::Application.routes.draw do
DynamicRouter.load request
class DynamicRouter
def self.load request
current_site = Site.find_by_host(request.host)
Frontend::Application.routes.draw do
current_site.routes do |route|
get "#{route.match}", to: "#{route.to}"
this doesnt work because request is undefined in routes.rb
To answer your question: How can I "access" or "pass" the request object into any method inside the routes.rb file Obtain it as ENV object from rack middleware.See code below
Grab it again in routes
A possible soluction is to create the default rules on routes.rb and add a rack middleware that can transform a path according to the domain
In the middleware you can transform a path like 'categoria/:id' to '/category/:id' if the domain matches '.es', before the application hits the router layer.
More on rack middleware: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/rails_on_rack.html