I have multiple Gulp tasks that send a series of commands to the shell. The second task is dependent on the first. How do make ensure all commands sent to async.series in the first task are complete before the second task is executed.
gulp.task('task1', function(cb) {
var cmdArray = getCmdsForTask1();
runSeries(cmdArray, 'Task 1');
return cb();
gulp.task('task2',['task1'], function() {
var cmd2 = getCmdForTask2();
runSeries([cmd2], 'Task 2');
var runSeries = function(cmdArray, taskName) {
async.series(cmdArray, function(err, results) {
results.forEach( function(result) {
gutil.log(gutil.colors.cyan(taskName + ' complete:') + gutil.colors.white(result) );
Thanks Much!
I believe what you're looking for is the waterfall function. It will run the first task, then send the results to the second task and so on. From the documentation:
You're on the right track using async.series. The one missing piece is you haven't told the original task when it's done.
Note how I took in a callback to each task, and called it when the async.series was complete.
Instead of having tasks depend on each other using the [] syntax, you can use a node plugin called run-sequence.
This example means run 'build-scripts' and 'build-styles' in parallel but do not run 'build-html' until both of them are complete