I am having a hard time with the CubicCurve in JavaFX. How can one draw for example: y=x^3 ? the mechanism to draw the curve look very unwieldy.
Also is it possible to connect one of the endpoints of the curve to another Node, so when the location of that Node changes the curve adapts to it?
I think CubicCurves in JavaFX don't quite work as you think they might. A JavaFX CubicCurve is a Bezier curve which is quite different from the cubic polynomials such y=x^3 you normally encounter in high school mathematics. Everything you never wanted to know about Bezier curves is here.
Bezier curves are often used for generating smooth curves in computer graphics. They are defined by start and end points and a set of control points for manipulating the curve. You can best see how it works by playing with an interactive example where you drag around the start, end and control points to form different curves.
While it may be possible to solve the Bezier equations to reduce to a polynomial such as y=x^3, you might want to ask that question on math.stackexchange.com where the caliber of mathematicians is going to be much higher than, for instance, me.
Another way to accomplish this is to run a loop, calculating the y value for small increments of x value by applying the function to the x value, then add a LineTo for each of the calculated points in a Path. The following question and answer demonstrates this approach:
Yes, try the sample application below where the curve end and control points are bound to draggable nodes. The curve adapts to the changes in the location of the anchor nodes as they are dragged around.
Sample Program output: