Does anyone know a mature plugin for a treeview in twitter bootstrap? Most things i found so far are
a) not longer maintained
b) looking ugly / have glitches
c) can't be initialized from a html unordered list
d) don't allow an element (node or leaf) to become selected.
Basically i need this to implement something similar to a file-explorer, but for an eCommerce Product catalog.
Thanks in advance!
Seems I'm a little late to the party but you could check out my jQuery plugin based tree view for Twitter Bootstrap.
Imaginatively named bootstrap-treeview.js!!!
It's at version 1 and will only support Bootstrap v3 upwards, but...
Check out the project's github page for full documentation, and take a look here for a live demo.
Take a look at the FuelUX tree
$('#MyTree').tree({dataSource: treeDataSource});
Here is a working example with data source:
If you want a folder or item to be selectable, you'll need to look at the methods/events exposed by the control.