I'm having a hard time writing up what seems should be a simple if statement! I need it to say if mod does not equal a, b, or c - then do this. Here is what I was trying but have been unsuccessful:
if (mod != "5827289" && mod != "5195103" && mod != "5181422") {
When I type this into my editor it says there is an error, specifically that "The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference." .. and is not working when I go to test.
Any help is appreciated!!
UPDATE: The url: esber.squarespace.com
The full script:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/storage/scripts/sessvars.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var mod = Squarespace.Constants.CURRENT_MODULE_ID;
if (mod != "5827289" && mod != "5195103" && mod != "5181422") {
if(sessvars.ageConfirmation != "yes"){
window.location = "/verify/";
I want every page in the site to automatically redirect on page load to the verify page, unless it is the verify page (/verify), the "You are not verified" page (/not-verified), or the login page (/login) -- unless the user already verified by setting the sessvars, then they can continue on to the homepage.
To test this I go to esber.squarespace.com and click on one the menu items at the right (this menu would eventually be hidden when I'm done with the page) -- when i try to go to another page without veriying my age first i should be redirected back to the /verify page but that isnt happening.
If i revise the script to:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/storage/scripts/sessvars.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var mod = Squarespace.Constants.CURRENT_MODULE_ID;
if (mod != "5827289") {
if(sessvars.ageConfirmation != "yes"){
window.location = "/verify/";
then it works fine(?)
Are you embedding this javascript in an xml document?
It sounds like the xml document is not well formed, perhaps because the & should be escaped as &
The javascript by itself looks fine too me
You'll find out that way whether the javasciprt needs to be escaped
Edit in response to comment:
Try the following:
I tried the EXACT same code as yours and it works fine:
It did 'doSomething'. When value is changed to 5195103, nothing happens which is correct
The editor aside, what's the script error when you run it and what's the browser you used? I suspect it could be an error elsewhere or perhaps related to
?It sounds like your editor just thinks you're working with an XML document. Have you tried actually running this in a browser? If so, does the browser also give an error?
Wrap your script in a CDATA section.
Are you trying to compare the ID as a string or value? Did you try it without quotes?
or another method would be to use match
I got this error within a script section in an XSL file.
I adapted the above answer within my script and it worked.
Note the CDATA section in the code segment below