how to read the amount of used or free memory in E

2019-05-17 01:54发布

I can't seem to find a VBA command that returns the memory in use or the memory available. In Excel 2013 there was Application.MemoryUsed but when I try that in Excel 2016 I get "Type mismatch", regardless if I use

    dim myVar      as variant
      myvar = Application.MemoryUsed


    MsgBox CStr(Application.MemoryUsed)

It's probably a simple thing. Or?

2楼-- · 2019-05-17 02:30

I found the answer shortly after I put the question.

found here:

   Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId Lib "kernel32" () As Long

   Function GetMemUsage()

     ' Returns the current Excel.Application
     ' memory usage in MB

     Set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:")
     GetMemUsage = objSWbemServices.Get( _
       "Win32_Process.Handle='" & _
       GetCurrentProcessId & "'").WorkingSetSize / 1024

     Set objSWbemServices = Nothing

   End Function

Thanks to Anonimista!

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