class Dad
protected static String me = "dad";
public void printMe()
class Son extends Dad
protected static String me = "son";
public void doIt()
new Son().printMe();
The function doIt will print "dad". Is there a way to make it print "son"?
It indeed prints 'dad', since the field is not overridden but hidden. There are three approaches to make it print 'son':
Approach 1: override printMe
Approach 2: don't hide the field and initialize it in the constructor
Approach 3: use the static value to initialize a field in the constructor
You cannot override variables in a class. You can override only methods. You should keep the variables private otherwise you can get a lot of problems.
No. Class variables(Also applicable to instance variables) don't exhibit overriding feature in Java as class variables are invoked on the basis of the type of calling object. Added one more class(Human) in the hierarchy to make it more clear. So now we have
Son extends Dad extends Human
In the below code, we try to iterate over an array of Human, Dad and Son objects, but it prints Human Class’s values in all cases as the type of calling object was Human.
Will print
If we want to access the class variable of actual object from a reference variable of its parent class, we need to explicitly tell this to compiler by casting parent reference (Human object) to its type.
Will print
On how part of this question:- As already suggested override the printMe() method in Son class, then on calling
Dad's Class variable "me" will be hidden because the nearest declaration(from Son class printme() method) of the "me"(in Son class) will get the precedence.
Variables don't take part in overrinding. Only methods do. A method call is resolved at runtime, that is, the decision to call a method is taken at runtime, but the variables are decided at compile time only. Hence that variable is called whose reference is used for calling and not of the runtime object.
Take a look at following snippet:
When you run the code, console will show: