I'm trying to stream an octet-stream straight to S3 using knox on node.js. The octet-stream is an XHR file upload from the browser. I assumed that I could just stream the request into putStream and everything would just work, but alas no.
Here's my code:
var client = knox.createClient({
// AWS credentials here
if (req.headers['content-type'].match(/application\/octet-stream/i)) {
var filename = '/'+req.headers['x-file-name'];
client.putStream(req, filename, function(err, res){
// TODO: Catch errors
body = '{"success":"true"}'
{ 'Content-Type':'text/html'
, 'Content-Length':body.length
And the error I receive:
TypeError: Bad argument
at Object.stat (fs.js:354:11)
at Client.putStream (./lib/knox/client.js:181:6)
I believe
accepts 4 params, like this:I'm doing something like this:
Assuming that I receive the file name, part number and uploadId from the post.
If you are using a version of node.js much older than 0.4.5 then upgrade.
Look in the util module and use util.pump to copy the file from the input stream to the output stream. If the file has to be downloaded first, just use a ReadStream from the file as the input stream.
Also, do have a look at the Javascript code for util.pump because I suspect that you haven't quite grasped how async I/O works in node.js.