I'm writing update function in Firestore and I want to compare two Timestamp
. I've tried multiple things but not working. Can you point me correct way of comparing two Timestamp
in firestore.
exports.updateFunction = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
var updatedXYZ = change.after.data();
var oldXYZ = change.before.data();
var newTimestamp = updatedXYZ.timing;
var oldTimestamp = oldXYZ.timing;
// I've tried following things but not working
var result = newTimestamp === oldTimestamp; // not working
var result = new Date(newTimestamp) - new Date(oldTimestamp); // not working
return true;
I want to check two Timestamp is same or not.
Consult the API docs for Firestore's Timestamp object. Timestamp has a method called isEqual() that will compare two timestamps.
You need to add this line
in your index.js file.
After adding this line cloud function will read your timestamp field as Timestamp Datatype. Now you can compare two timestamps using