I was trying to apply lgbm in one of my problems. For that I was going through "http://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Python-API.html". However, I have a basic question. Is there any difference between Training API and Scikit-learn API? Can we use both the APIs to achieve same result for the same problem?
Thanks, Dipanjan.
The short answer: yes, they will provide identical results if you will configure them in identical ways.
The reason is that sklearn API is just a wrapper around the "native training" API, which in turn is a wrapper around the backend C++ library. At the end, this is your choice to make. I personally would advice in favour of the sklearn API. The 2 major advantages are:
), trainign interface is the same and you can switch between sklearn models, lightgbm, xgboost, catboost or vowpal wabbit by simply instantiating different objects and passing them through the same procedure.