I'm creating a script that serializes GWT requests and I have a problem encoding date values to comply with RPC-GWT standard. Going through the HTTP logs I noticed that date values are converted to some strings of 7 characters but I can't recognize the algorithm used by those patterns.
Does anyone know which algorithm is used to encrypt those date values?
For more information, GWT Project published the library
(https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.gwt/gwt-user) which contains the classBase64Utils
can help to encode/decode to Base64 as described here: http://www.gwtproject.org/javadoc/latest/com/google/gwt/user/server/Base64Utils.html.I use the following code to convert a date into GWT Base64 string (7 characters):
Those date values are serialized as long values => milliseconds since epoch (January 1 1970) and then serialized in a packed form as base64 to become shorter strings. Here have a look:
I did it myself in PHP with the guidance of Colin Alworth