I am in the process of developing a content-heavy Webworks app. In order for the app to be useful, it needs to maintain a local content database ( approx. 4MB in SQL form; the only way to reduce it further is to rip out entire categories of content ).
My original thinking was that I would embed the SQL file in the app ( just like the CSS and JS ), then load into SQlite on first run. The strategy worked in development on the Ripple emulator.
When I attempted to build and run on a real test device, grief resulted. The compiled COD had > 127 sibling CODs, so it wouldn't install ( took a week to find that out ).
I have prototyped a different approach - downloading the SQL file from the web on first run. I do not like this second approach - with reason; this application is intended for use in a zone of the world that has expensive / spotty bandwidth.
Is there a way to embed significant amounts of content in a BlackBerry application for BB 6/7 without running into application size limits ( either number of Sibling CODs [ cannot exceed 127 ] or absolute size of the application)?
Doesn't look like it: http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Testing-and-Deployment/The-maximum-size-of-a-BlackBerry-smartphone-application/ta-p/1300209
Specifically this: