I am working on a slider with Owl-Carousel 2 (beta), but there is a lot that doesn't work well. I want the owlCarousel to work like this:
It should scroll 2 items at a time, showing 2 items at a time. So: [0,1] slide [2,3] slide [4,5]
On mobile, it should show one picture and scroll by 1 picture at a time.
owl = $('.owl-carousel')
center: true,
loop: false,
margin: 20,
items: 2,
responsive: {
0: {
items: 1,
navigation: true,
nav: true
640: {
items: 2,
navigation: true,
nav: true
scrollPerPage: true,
navigation: true
}).css("z-index", 0)
You can use the