I need to render iframe
in my Electron application:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe sandbox='allow-scripts' src='frm.html'></iframe>
where the frm.html
links the local file script foo.js
which is part of my Electron application
<script src="foo.js"></script>
<p>Inside iframe</p>
When I run the application in Electron I can see this error in devtools console
Not allowed to load local resource: file:///C:/electron/app1/foo.js
Is it possible such scenario in Electron?
This is a security feature of the iframe. Here is a similar question that talks about loading linked files into an iframe: Displaying local htm file in iframe?.
That being said, have you considered using the webview tag instead? http://electron.atom.io/docs/v0.30.0/api/web-view-tag/. The webview tag is very similar to an iframe, but gives you more ability to control the security around it. I tested loading a local file into a webview in the same way you attempt to load frm.html into the iframe and it works flawlessly.