I would like to know how I can get an opencv rect object by providing two Points. The c++ version provides this datastructre.
I cant find a way to instantiate rects in python.
I tried cv2.Rect(p1,p2)
but this method seems not be existent.
Is it even possible?
Thanks in adavance :)
Look for example at this tutorial face detection http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d7/d8b/tutorial_py_face_detection.html and you'll see that in Python opencv bindings rectangles are tuples/lists of the four coordinates - the results of, for example, faceCascade.detectMultiScale is a list of these - basically, use normal Python capabilities to manage them.
I guess you'll have to write your own overlap/area/contains functions - not terribly diificult - or see other answers here, for example Intersection and difference of two rectangles
UPDATE - my bad, the rectangles returned by detectMultiScale are (x,y,w,h)