I'm using Gurobi in Python and for a given set S
I'm adding the constraint as follows:
for i in S:
m.addConstr(quicksum(x[i,j] for j in (set(V) - set(S))) >= 2)
I want to print these constraints for each value of the sets S
and V
on the screen.
For an example, if S={1,3,4}
and V= {1,2,3,4,5,6}
, then, my constraint will be x[1,2]+x[1,5]+x[1,6]+x[3,2]+x[3,5]+x[3,6]+x[4,2]+x[4,5]+x[4,6]>=2
I want this constraint to be preinted on the screen.
Can someone please help me to do it?
Use model.write("file.lp"). You can choose any name for file but the extension must be lp.
There is no built-in function to do this. Your best option is to call
to export the model as an LP file.