Let us consider the following code:
from tkinter import Tk, Text
root = Tk()
text = Text(root)
text.insert("end", "abcdefgh\nабвгґдеє\n一伊依医咿噫欹泆")
print(text.index("1.4+1l"), text.index("1.4+2l"))
print(text.index("3.4-1l"), text.index("3.4-2l"))
Some people (for example me) would expect it to print 2.4 3.4
and 2.4 1.4
, because +1l
and -1l
are supposed to preserve the column if the line is long enough. Instead, it prints 2.2 3.2
and 2.6 1.8
. It looks like it depends on the number of bytes needed to encode each character.
Should it be this way? Is it documented somewhere? Should I just use something like
line, column = old_index.split(".")
new_index = text.index(f"{line+1}.{column}")
instead of +1l
if I care about columns being preserved?
The problem seems to be Tk-related, not Python-related:
So I asked a second question.