I'm trying to invoke FindBugs from inside Ant. In order to control the amount of memory available to FindBugs, I've chosen not to use the ant-task. The problem I have now is that I want to pass a number of jars on the command-line to FindBugs:
java -jar .../findbugs.jar foo.jar bar.jar fie.jar
However, since these jars actually are Eclipse plugins, I don't know the exact name of the jars so I need a way to use a wildcard to obtain the list. This is what I've come up with:
<target name="findbugs">
<property name="findbugs.home" location="${user.home}/eclipse/findbugs" />
<path id="findbugs.input">
<fileset dir="${testDirectory}/eclipse/plugins">
<include name="my.plugins.*.jar" />
<path id="findbugs.auxinput">
<fileset dir="${testDirectory}/eclipse/plugins">
<include name="*.jar" />
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<java jar="${findbugs.home}/lib/findbugs.jar" fork="true">
<jvmarg value="-Xmx1048m" />
<arg value="-textui" />
<arg value="-output" />
<arg value="findbugs.xml" />
<arg value="-xml" />
<arg value="-exclude" />
<arg value="${basedir}/findbugsExclude.xml" />
<arg value="-auxclasspath" />
<arg pathref="findbugs.auxinput"/>
<arg pathref="findbugs.input" />
However, the findbugs.input
pathref is a comma-separated list of jars, and not space-separated as FindBugs wants it. How do I get the list of jars as a space-separated list?
(Is this perhaps easier to do with the FindBugs ant-task. I can't really tell from the documentation.)
Use pathconvert, like this:
Implementing in the target that you provided, I changed the reference from
<arg pathref="findbugs.input" />
to<arg value="${findbugs.input.csv}" />
Use <pathconvert> to convert the path into the proper format, storing it into a property then use <arg value...> instead of <arg pathref...>
You can control the memory from the ant task: